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"As teenagers, we used to dream together. Not knowing we would even marry each other one day, we used to think about how fantastic it would be to remodel an old church. Loving the romantic notion of resurrecting any old building always intrigued us. But, somehow the thought of a church with its vast open space, large picture windows and history made us even more excited. We would dream of one day renovating and remodeling one into a contemporary eclectic home to live in. Of course, our friends thought we were a bit strange! After all, how many teenagers think about real estate at their age, let alone renovating a church? We learned very quickly that we were perfect for each other!
Well, after more than 30 years of life leading us in different directions, we finally (unexpectedly) found the path to the Hartman. It has become our dream come true. We hope that everyone will enjoy it with us."
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